Maths... Measurement

The students have been involved in lots of measuring activities and now they know how to measure using both rulers and informal objects. They understand terms like longer, shorter, bigger and smaller.

They can estimate the length of a metre and can measure with their own rulers. They enjoyed measuring with the trundle wheel as well.

This week, we will be developing an understanding of using descriptive language to locate a named item and we will have some experiences with measuring the perimeter of objects and drawing them using given dimensions.

Children learn by retrieving information to solve problems. It is the quality of the experiences, that your child is involved in, that counts. As their brains develop, remembering these learning experiences helps them to succeed faster. Their answers rely on memory and become more accurate as they grow.

“Experience really does matter!” National Institute of Health 2014.

Mrs. Annette Moran
Grade 1 Teacher